Author: laqdav81

  • Blog Series: My MS Stands For….Mood Swings

    A person with a healthy brain is able to decipher emotions and respond accordingly. Not so much when you have MS.

  • So much to do today…But first, Coffee

    So much to do today…But first, Coffee by msblogdiva featuring an eye clock Undated Blank Day Designer A Yearly Strategic Planner Daily Agenda for… Eye clock APPLE MacBook Pro 15″ with Retina Display $2,385 –

  • R.S.V.P – If my MS allows

    Imagine not having control of your body. Your day to day activities are always questionable. Just like your cell phone, once your battery gets too low, your body shuts off. That’s what chronic fatigue (a symptom often experienced by those of us with Multiple Sclerosis) feels like. And this is…

  • Conversations With My Sister: Divorce and Grief

    Detox and Grief: In order to fill the void, we must increase what brings us joy.

  • Losing My Mind

    I once dreamed of a field of purple lilies, smells of jasmine, the soft touch of a breeze in the wind, nestled in the arms of security, as the taste of innocence comforted me. Frolicking and humming with the birds of paradise, I felt no hesitation to roam free. For…

  • Should You Let a Good Man Go?

    An Open Letter to Shaniece Hairston

  • 7 Reasons Why You Can’t Let Go of Your Ex

    Divorce is hard. You’ve spent a substantial amount of time as one half of a married couple. Two lives had been intertwined and now you must figure out how to fill the gaps your former spouse previously occupied. In essence, you have to pick up the pieces and put yourself,…

  • Introducing the Love of My Life

    He’s a visible expression of God’s graciousness and tender affection.

  • My Story: “I Have MS, But MS Doesn’t Have Me!”

    My Story: “I Have MS, But MS Doesn’t Have Me!”

    What an honor it was to be featured on black this month. I hope to inspire others to share their story.

  • How to get a job even if you’re not qualified.

    You don’t need qualifications for a job. You just need this ONE skill.