MS, Unplugged


Writing, specifically blogging, is one of my favorite things to do. It allows me to be totally authentic, have a formatted outlet (thank you WordPress) to display this gift of writing, and communicate with people whom I mostly will never meet.

On the other hand, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) doesn’t share my passion. It has no regard for what makes me happy, tends to beat me down instead of applaud my accomplishments, and would rather have me immobile instead of out and enjoying life. In other words, MS is a hater.

This culprit has been the reason my blogging has slowed down recently. Lately, what My MS Stands For is…Moving Slowly.

I should have recognized the signs that it was time for me to unplug but I was so charged up…so I thought.

On a side note, remember that 2002 MTV Unplugged episode (later turned album) of Lauryn Hill? Man, I love Lauryn Hill!

In reality, my body was Killing Me Softly (I couldn’t resist) with all the warning signs that it was time for my very own MS, Unplugged episode:


1. A sudden dry cough.
2. Hoarseness
3. Achy joints
4. Tingling in the extremities
5. Pronounced fatigue
6. Chest heaviness
7. Night tremors
8. Night sweats
9. “Jumping” leg (Spasticity)
10. Heart flutters (butterflies)

I’m slowly coming out of this relapse, which by the way, has been the longest since my diagnosis in 2010. Maybe it was the new environment here in Arizona or experiencing my first “dry heat” Summer that exacerbated my symptoms.

Nevertheless, I’m glad to be coming out of it. Just a few more doctor’s visits to rule out any new symptoms but I’m praying for a clean bill of health.

I’ll keep you posted.


LaQuita Davis



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