Introducing the Love of My Life

I can’t believe that it’s been almost three months since starting this blog site. It’s been a long time coming; most of that time was spent evaluating my mission statement and being brave enough to share my ups and downs with you.

I want you to believe that there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. You just have to keep moving. Sometimes you are able to run. Other times, you’re barely crawling. Along the way, just when you feel you can’t go any farther, you’ll get a small boost or nudge to keep moving.

I’m speaking from experience. I’ve been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, divorced, and grieving the death of my Father all within a five year time frame. But, I’m thankful because throughout it all, I’ve had the companionship of someone very dear to my heart. I can’t believe that I haven’t yet introduced him to you. But, if you Follow Me On Instagram, I’m sure you’ve seen him flood your newsfeed.

So, without further adieu, I present to you…..

Sir Gucci Donnatelli !!!


Isn’t he so STINKING CUTE?!!!

Gucci has been my saving grace. To me, he is a visible expression of God’s graciousness and tender affection. He’s literally licked my tears, snuggled with me when I’m sick, encouraged me to stay active, and motivated me to keep living.

Let’s hear it for our emotional support companions!

LaQuita Davis


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