Category: Inspiration

  • Creating Your Emotional Compass in the Midst of Chaos

    Creating Your Emotional Compass in the Midst of Chaos

    One of the most empowering aspects of your emotional compass is that it reminds you of your agency. No matter how chaotic life feels, you always have the power to choose your response. In every moment, you can choose to: Align with your values. Take a step toward healing. Speak…

  • Why the Hardest Seasons Are the Most Transformative

    Why the Hardest Seasons Are the Most Transformative

    Growth rarely happens in comfort zones. Think about nature: seeds must break open to grow, and caterpillars endure transformation to become butterflies. The same is true for us. In my own journey, discomfort came in the form of grief, uncertainty, and a loss of identity. But that discomfort pushed me…

  • 5 Lessons From the Wilderness: Overcoming Trauma and Divorce

    5 Lessons From the Wilderness: Overcoming Trauma and Divorce

    But here’s the truth I want you to hold onto: you are not broken. You are becoming. The pieces you’re holding now are not irreparable—they are your building blocks for something new. In the wilderness, we’re invited to redefine ourselves, to decide who we want to be, and to rebuild…

  • DESTINation…No More Balance

    Hello Lovelies,    It’s been a while since my last blog post. I almost forgot how to format this post. Just kidding…I could never really forget though because at my core, I’m a writer and blogger.   I’ve been pretty quiet on social media since mid-December and that has been quite…

  • 12 Qualities Needed to Reinvent Yourself Even When You’re Confused About Who You Were to Begin With

    When you are feeling stuck in your life – unsure of your purpose – it is often because one or more of these factors are missing.

  • Stretch Your Comfort Zone Without Draining Your Energy

    Can you relate? Are you an introvert? Are you shy? Do you know that there’s a difference? In a nutshell, an introvert is one who

  • 5 Proven Ways to Reduce Anxiety

    The body’s biological responses in a crisis are either Fight or Flight. Anxiety or fear is the outward manifestation of flight.  But, you don’t NEED to feel anxious or afraid in order to take action.

  • 5 Things Every Introvert Should Be Doing

    #TransformationTuesday #introverts

  • The Carrot, Egg, or Coffee Bean?

    When we share our story, there is an interchange of encouragement. We give hope to others while we, too, are strengthened.

  • 5 Easy Steps to Discovering Your Blogging Niche

    Are you intent on bogging but aren’t sure about what? Do you feel like you haven’t yet discovered your passion? Is it possible that your purpose and passion are opposites? Which one is more important? If you’ve been reading my blog over the past few months, you know that after…